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Where Ephesus Was

Where Ephesus Was

  • Where Ephesus was?

According to the archaeologists Ephesus was first inhabited during the Neolithic Period which is around 8000 BC. Then Ephesus was known to Hittites as Apasa and was situated in the land of Arzawa, West Anatolia. After the Trojan War with the migrations from Mainland Greece, good mixture civilizations started to arouse.

  • Where Ephesus is located?

The city is located in modern Turkey, in a village called Selçuk that is administrable connected to the city of Izmir.

  • In Ephesus where to stay?

Once you arrive in Izmir, there is a wide variety of hotel options in the city center. Choosing to stay in the city center you would have the opportunity to visit many different sites such as Pergamo, Smyrna, Claros, Erythrai, etc.

  • Ephesus where to eat?

In Selcuk Town, there is a wide variety of food opportunities but the special food to the region is çöp şis, the description would be grilled small pieces of meets put on a thin wood stick.

  • Where is Ephesus located today?

The archeological site is located on the West Coast of Anatolia in a village called Selçuk that is administratively dependent on the city of Izmir.

  • Where is Ephesian in the Bible?

The evangelist Paul wrote his letter to the citizens of Ephesus while he was in Rome, the first letter to the 7 churches in Revelation chapters 2-3 was written to Ephesus and when he came to Ephesus he stayed for 2 years. Ephesus appears in 17 Bible verses: Acts 18:19, Acts 18:21, Acts 18:24, Acts 19:1, Acts 19:17, Acts 19:26, Acts 19:35, Acts 20:16, Acts 20:17, 1 Cor 15:32, 1 Cor 16:8, Eph 1:1, 1 Tim 1:3, 2 Tim 1:18, 2 Tim 4:12, Rev 1:11 and Rev 2:1.

  • Where is Ephesus in Turkey?

The Ancient city is on the West coast of Turkey. It is precisely situated in a small village called Selçuk which is administratively dependent on the city of Izmir.

  • Where was Ephesus in Bible times?

During the Hellenistic period, Ephesus was moved to her current location by Alexander the Great’s commander Lysimachus. Ephesus in Bible times was located at the same spot, there is even a Virgin Mary Church on the slope where the 3rd Ecumenical Council took place.

  • Where is Ephesus located on a map?

Ephesus is on the West coast of Turkey. It is precisely situated in a small village called Selçuk which is administratively dependent on the city of Izmir.

  • Where would Ephesus be today?

Ephesus is located in modern Turkey, in a village called Selçuk that is administrable connected to the city of Izmir.

  • Where is Ephesus on Turkey’s map?

The city is located in modern Turkey, in a village called Selçuk that is administrable connected to the city of Izmir.

  • Where is Efeso Georgia?

Ephesus is a city in Heard County, Georgia, United States. This Ephesus, however, is not related to the ancient site Ephesus located on the West coast of modern Turkey.

  • Where is Virgin Mary Church?

There is no church called Ephesus in the ancient site however there is a Virgin Mary Church on the slope where the 3rd Ecumenical Council took place.

  • Where is located in ancient Greece?

Ephesus has never been located in ancient Greece, Ephesus has always been located on the West coast of modern Turkey.

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