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Turkey and the history of Islam

Turkey and the history of Islam

The resurrection:

The following verse explains the importance of belief in the principles of faith, including the Day of the Last Judgment: Piety (and virtue) does not consist in turning one’s face towards the east or the west. Rather, the one who possesses mercy is the one who believes in God and in the Last Day, in the angels, the Books and the Prophets; the one who gives away his wealth, with pleasure and despite the love he feels for her, to relatives, orphans, the needy, travelers, beggars (or those who need a loan), to free slaves; and the one who establishes the Prayer and pays the Prescribed Purifying Alms. And (they are pious) those who keep the pacts when they contract them, are patient and persevere in adversity, difficulty and illness and in the most tense moments (such as the struggle between truth and falsehood). Those are the truthful (in their faith) and those who have achieved righteousness, piety and devotion due to God.

(The Qur’an, 2.177).

What are the five pillars of Islam?

1.Shahadah (Testimony)

Of the five pillars of Islam, the first is the profession of faith, the Shahadah, a simple formula that all the faithful pronounce: “There is no deity but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

These words must be spoken with sincere conviction and under no duress. The importance of this testimony is the belief that the only purpose of life is to serve and obey God, and this is achieved by following the example of the prophet Muhammad, the Messenger sent to all human beings until the Last Judgment.

2.Salah (The Five Daily Prayers)

Daily Prayers are offered five times a day as an obligation to Alla. They consolidate and vivify the belief in Allah and inspire man to a higher morality. They purify the heart and prevent temptation in peace from sins and evil. Muslim men are enthusiastically encouraged to perform their five daily prayers in congregation at the mosque. The Muslim women are free to pray where it is most convenient for them. A mosque, in its most basic form, is strictly a clean space designated for Prayers. Mosques located throughout the world have taken on various architectural forms that reflect local cultures. They range from separate pavilions in China and ornate courtyards in India to the great domes of mosques in Turkey and modern structures throughout the world.

3.Sawm (Fasting)

Muslims observe Ramadan, the month of fasting, not only by abstaining from food, drink, and marital relations from sunrise to sunset but also from evil intentions and desires. It teaches love, sincerity, and dedication. Develop a healthy social conscience, patience, generosity, and willpower. It also helps the wealthy to understand the difficulties of those who suffer from hunger.

4.Zakah (Purification of Wealth)

Islamic worship is not limited to just the spiritual realm. Material obligations apply to those who can afford it. Zakah is the annual payment of 2.5% of the total amount of savings and commercial goods obtained throughout a year by a believer as a religious duty and as a purification of his wealth. Said sum must be paid directly to the most poor and disadvantaged in the community. Muslims are required to help the poor, the orphaned, and the needy by providing them with at least a fixed amount of money to make their lives easier in an attempt to save them from inequality. Islam always encourages Muslims to share their material possessions with those less fortunate. However, the amount The minimum of such help in sharing is nothing other than giving the zakah.

5.Hajj (The Mecca Pilgrimage)

This obligation must be performed once in a believer’s lifetime if he can afford it financially and physically. For the past 1,400 years, the Islamic miracle of true brotherhood of all races and nations has been seen in action as Muslims gather annually for the pilgrimage, Hajj, in the holy city of Mecca, a holy place where locate the House of Alla, the Kaaba. Being the only place of pilgrimage, as well as the direction to which the Muslim goes to perform the five daily Prayers, the Kaaba, an ancient cubic-shaped building dating from the time of Abraham, is currently surrounded by about three million Muslims wrapped in white dresses, like every year, during Hajj.

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