Blog Post

Culture Of Turkey

Turkish culture is an old and deep-rooted culture and has been present in a wide geography throughout the world and carries the traces of both sedentary and nomadic lifestyles. Due to the geographical location of its distribution area, it has been affected by many cultures and has affected these cultures. The Turkish culture, which was […]

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Nature Of Turkey

Türkiye is located on a peninsula which is called Anatolia (or Asia Minor). This peninsula has been housing human-life for more than 100,000 years. But not only that; this beautiful peninsula is home to high number of rivers, snowy peaks, forests in which many different shades of green can be observed, deep valleys and diverse […]

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Pergamon FAQ

It is thought to come from the Luwian language and many sources claim that it means “castle” or “high location”. The altar is completely made of marble. The ancient city of Pergamon is located in the Bergama district in the north of the Izmir province in the western Türkiye. The main reason is the fact […]

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History For Turkey

Türkiye is an intercontinental country located in the Western Asia and partly in Eastern Europe. While 97% of the country is a part of Asia and is called Anatolia, 3% is a part of Eastern Thrace. It has a population of 85 million people and its capital is Ankara.  Anatolia (or Asia Minor) is an […]

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Seven Churches of Asia – Part I

The Seven Churches of Asia are some Christian communities that are mentioned in the Book of Revelation, which is the final book of the New Testament. The author of the book is John of Patmos, who receives this revelation in the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea during his persecution. The title is derived […]

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Seven Churches of Asia – Ephesus

Revelation 2 “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands. 2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have […]

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Pamukkale FAQ

It is owed to the high amount of calcium carbonate mineral in the travertine rock, which forms up Pamukkale. Pamukkale offers many different attractions for people of different interests, one can enjoy the warmth of the Antique Pool (Cleopatra’s Pool), stroll through the ancient ruins of Hierapolis and discover its history and spend time in […]

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Izmir FAQ

Izmir is the 3rd most populous city of Turkiye with a population of approximately 4 million people in the west of the country and one of the leading cities economically, historically and socioculturally.  Izmir offers a lot of different touristic attractions such as the Clock Tower, Asansör, the Kemeralti Bazaar, the Agora, the Kadifekale Castle […]

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Ephesus and Judaism

Ephesus is one of the most visited and largest ancient cities in the country and is in the Selçuk district in the south of İzmir. According to sources cited in Hittite documents from 2,000 BC, it is estimated that his first name was Apasas. The city, which experienced the migration of the Ionian tribe in […]

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