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Nature Of Turkey

Türkiye is located on a peninsula which is called Anatolia (or Asia Minor). This peninsula has been housing human-life for more than 100,000 years. But not only that; this beautiful peninsula is home to high number of rivers, snowy peaks, forests in which many different shades of green can be observed, deep valleys and diverse climates which can only be witnessed on a whole continent.

It is a Eurasian country which has land in two different continents. 97% of the country is located in Asia and the 3% is located in Europe. While the Asian part is called Anatolia (or Asia Minor), the European part is the Eastern Thrace. These continents are divided by the Bosphorus, the Dardanelles and the Marmara Sea. It is the 37th biggest country in size. It is surrounded by the Aegean Sea in the west, the Black Sea in the north, the Mediterranean Sea in the south. 

The extraordinary ecosystem and habitat diversity has created a significant species diversity in the country. Anatolia has been the homeland of many plants since the beginning of agriculture and these plants are used by people living in Türkiye today. The diversity of Türkiye’s fauna is even greater than the diversity of its flora. While the number of animal species throughout Europe is 60,000, this figure is more than 80,000 in Türkiye and exceeds 100,000 when subspecies are included. Türkiye houses 40 national parks, 189 natural parks, 31 natural protection zones, 80 wildlife protection zones and 109 natural monuments.

There are 10,400 plant species in Türkiye, 33% of which are endemic. These figures are a total of 2,500 endemic plant species for the whole of Europe. Three different climate types can be observed in the country. The Mediterranean climate of the west and the south of the country is characterized with hot dry summers and warm rainy winters with a maquis vegetation. However, the north houses a temperate oceanic climate type with precipitation every season and the natural vegetation is forest. Finally, the center and the east of the country are characterized by a continental climate with a huge steppe. 

Except from the plains of the west and the south, the snowfall can be witnessed in any part of the country in the winters. The temperature might fall down to -40 °C in the east, while in the west and the south the approximate temperature is 1 °C.

The country is also very rich in underground water sources. That is the reason why there are so many spa hotels and wellness centers in Türkiye. Throughout the history of Anatolia, these hot springs also resulted in some natural formations such as Pamukkale. Because of the therapeutic effects of the waters of such places, they are a great tourist attraction. 

In summary, Türkiye houses a unique nature in which one can witness all the seasons in just one day. In the early beginnings of autumn, you can see snow on the highest points of the east while you can enjoy the warm waters of the sea on the golden beaches of the south.

  • What percentage of Türkiye is located in Europe?

3% of Türkiye is located in Europe and this area is called the Eastern Thrace.

  • How many animal species are there in Türkiye?

There are more than 80,000 animal species in Türkiye and exceeds 100,000 when subspecies are included

  • What is the coldest temperature in Türkiye?

In the east, it might fall down to -40 °C.

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